One of the up and coming markets for the 3D Printer is on demand miniatures. The Palladium Books® line of Robotech® miniatures, many of which I had a chance to check out first had are pretty amazing. While our initial foray into the 3D printing business is for the development of prototypes and concepts for our military clients, many of the basic concepts and design implementations are easily carried over into the table top war gamer and miniature market. Talking with several people at the Open House (including a number of Palladium Books® staff) I am opening the possibility of looking into doing 3D printed miniatures on demand from custom miniatures, master model miniatures for mass production of metal miniatures or even customized terrain, buildings, bridges or other single run or oddly shaped structures. Check out the Gallery section of our website for more details.
One of my hobbies is being a freelancer writer for Palladium Books® and I managed to get some free advertising for Wildcat Engineering Solutions when I did an interview with Matt Lemke over at Through Gamer Goggles on being a writer.
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