Category: Wildcat News
eSAX Wildcat USB Drive
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Alright as previously mentioned we will be attending eSAX at Lansdowne Park on October 7th at 6:00 pm, but what I neglected to emphasize is that this will also be our official launching of Wildcat Engineering Solutions and will be our first […]
Fidget Cubes
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We have officially opened up or Products page with the Fidget Cube, a cool little toy to keep your children entertained and at the low price of only $5.00 it is by far a lot cheaper than any gaming system on the […]
BNI Membership
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Well its official! We have joined the BNI Millennium Chapter and taken the Mechanical Engineer/3D Printer position within the group. I personally have also volunteered to be the Chapter’s Website Co-ordinator and are quickly learning how to set things up and get things operating […]
Printing Guns!
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Its not every day that an armour designer can say he got the chance to develop a weapon system! In my case however a local martial arts club asked for some practice models to train their students on how to properly disarm […]
3D Miniatures for War Gaming
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Check out our Gallery as we explore the creation of 3D Miniatures for a potential client for his War Gaming needs.